Mechanics and Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques of Pitching
The pitching instructors at SoftballOne place safety and integrity foremost as to ensure children a long and prosperous career as pitchers. Students range from 8-18 years of age, and are of various skill levels. Once a pitcher establishes proper fundamentals our instructors begin to emphasis a balance between velocity, and ball movement. We maintain a low 2-1 student-to-teacher ratio, and we do our best to address all of the areas of the pitchers development. We place children of similar skill level within the same class and encourage team work within these small groups. We incorporate multi-media teaching tools, and take the time to chart a monitor each individual pitchers goals and performance. We periodically will compare each student’s pitching motion to elite level players using video analysis. Our instructors address many of the issues facing pitchers and their families today.
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